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TEC Student of the Month Award

May 2019 - Emily Ketola

With a sunny disposition and endless enthusiasm, Emily’s commitment to her Monday evening Spanish classes is extraordinary. She’s been steadfast, advancing through the levels with her favorite teacher Cecy, almost never missing a class, and has made gaining Spanish skills a high priority in her life. Her passion for learning has been kindled by love as she’s devoted to raising her son in a bilingual and bi-cultural home and connecting on a deeper level with her in-laws in Mexico. She also takes advantage of every opportunity to speak Spanish in her workplace where she's a clinic manager; her dedication to practicing her skills ensures she is always making progress. A kind and compassionate classmate, we are thrilled to have Emily as part of our community at Tierra and have no doubt that she will go far in her quest for fluency.


April 2019 - Diane Sayrizi

With an air of sweetness and good will, Diane is a delight to be around and brightens any class she’s in. Retired from her career as an arts and dance educator, she has that spark of curiosity characteristic of people who envision learning as a lifetime endeavor. She now harnesses this passion for learning and culture to work towards her goal of becoming fluent in Spanish. An enthusiastic traveler, she is motivated in part to be able to have authentic conversations with people she encounters on trips to Mexico and Latin America. Interested in many cultures, she is also busy exploring her own origins, learning Japanese and enjoying the flower arranging tradition “Ikebana”. One would be hard-pressed to find a more dedicated student - she takes her Spanish studies seriously and is a warm and supportive classmate. We are grateful to have Diane in our community at Tierra and look forward to continuing to see her abilities blossom.

March 2019 - Mary Southwick Aguirre

With a deep desire to understand other cultures, Mary’s natural curiosity has fueled her journey toward fluency in Spanish. A long-time student at Tierra, Mary began her studies back in 2013, seeking to bolster her ability to communicate with her Spanish-speaking patients and their families in her work as an emergency room nurse. She also is motivated to be able to speak with her husband’s family, from Mexico. Since then her skills have flourished and she’s acquired an advanced level, enjoying several cultural immersion courses along the way. A dedicated student and kind classmate, Mary’s thoughtful contributions in class are truly appreciated. It’s been thrilling to witness the progress that Mary has achieved and we look forward to continuing to see her meet and surpass her goals.


January 2019 - Marianne Clinton

Since starting her studies at Tierra, Marianne has been a joyful presence in her Spanish classes, eager to expand her knowledge and build community. A family physician, she has long used her Spanish skills to help the many Spanish-speaking families in the clinic she works at to improve their health. Passionate about travel, she's also a great story-teller with many insights about language and culture. Her enthusiastic contributions in class help to create a highly interactive dynamic in which all students participate and enrich the learning environment. We're grateful to count Marianne as part of our community at Tierra and look forward to continuing to witness the process as she hones her skills and never stops learning.

December 2018 - Scott Shurtleff

A tremendously dedicated student, Scott’s unshakably positive attitude and endless curiosity are an inspiration. A passionate activist for immigrants’ and refugees’ rights, he finds great use for his Spanish skills in his volunteer work and is a voice for justice for our local immigrant community. Having started taking classes at Tierra as a high beginning student last fall, he’s been wholly committed to his classes and has made impressive progress, now possessing high intermediate skills. Always arriving by bike with a wide smile and buoyant energy, the kindness and support he bestows upon his classmates enrich the learning atmosphere for everyone. We’re grateful to count Scott as part of our community at Tierra and are honored to indirectly impact the lives of many through his good works.


October 2018 - Candice Rhodes

With a sunny disposition and endless enthusiasm for her Spanish studies, Candice’s presence brightens any class she joins. Her delightful sense of humor finds an outlet both during class in her playful attitude and in the creative and often hilarious compositions she comes up with for her homework assignments, fomenting feelings of camaraderie and inspiring her classmates to follow suit. Formerly a social worker, she’s now a culinary instructor who seizes the opportunity to use the Spanish she’s learning with native-speakers with whom she works and mingles. We’re thrilled to count Candice as a part of our community at Tierra and can’t wait to see how her passion for learning continues to cultivate her impressive progress.


September 2018 - Gissel García

Brimming with passion and enthusiasm, Gissel’s natural charisma injects positive energy into any class she joins. Of Mexican-American heritage, she was motivated to take classes to be able to connect with Spanish-speaking family and friends on a deeper level. Enrolling in both a morning intensive and evening once-weekly course simultaneously, she’s taken on polishing her advanced Spanish skills as a serious priority and is inspired to refine her vocabulary and use of Spanish structures. Currently working on creating a health and wellness blog, she has begun writing content in Spanish and plans to make her website fully bilingual. We’re delighted Gissel happened upon Tierra and graces us with her presence, we look forward to seeing where her projects take her!


August 2018 - Sheila Bob

Two summers ago Sheila and her partner Kathy decided to take advantage of their free time in retirement and embark on a Spanish-learning journey at Tierra, and they’ve been continuing ever since. As she gained the skills necessary to engage in conversation, Sheila’s outgoing, gregarious personality shined through and she began to stimulate discussion on many interesting topics in her classes. Naturally friendly and unhindered by shyness, she delights in interacting in Spanish, whether it be with her classmates, the locals she meets in annual kayaking trips in Mexico, or members of the Spanish-speaking community she encounters around Portland. A truly dedicated student, she’s begun taking concurrent morning and evening courses, to get the most practice possible and make sure she’s solidifying her skills. We’re grateful to count Sheila as part of our community at Tierra, and look forward to continuing to see her sprint towards fluency.


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