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TEC Student of the Month Award

May 2020 - Lyndi Liersemann

Lyndi’s history at Tierra goes way back - she has taken classes on and off since the fall of 2012!! We’re always thrilled to see her return for another class as she adds loads of positive energy and friendly support to any group she enrolls in. At the moment she is busy being a new Mama to her 1-month old baby, so we consider one silver lining to the coronavirus reality as being that Lyndi, and others who would not be able to attend classes in person right now, are able to join in online! A thoughtful and enthusiastic student, she embodies that balance of someone who actively participates and asks great questions while also yielding space to classmates and contributing to the cohesion of the group. We’re so glad to count Lyndi as a valued member of our Tierra community!


March 2020 - Laura Tauber

Laura Tauber

A steadfast student who’s been exquisitely dedicated to her Spanish classes since starting in Beginner 1 nearly three years ago, Laura’s hard work has paid off as she’s advanced through Tierra’s curriculum and developed ever-stronger skills. A warm and caring classmate, she is always eager to participate and helps foster camaraderie in any group she’s in. Inspired in part by her love of travel and dreams of living abroad, she delighted in her ability to reach out to people in their native language on a recent trip to Mexico. Her unceasingly positive attitude is an example and gentle reminder for us, particularly during these trying times, that anything is possible and our attitude deeply impacts our experience. We are honored to count Laura as a valued member of our community and look forward to continuing to see her stretch herself to reach beyond her goals.


January 2020 - Laleña Dolby

One would be hard-pressed to find a person more fun to be around than Laleña. Warm and compassionate, her presence infuses the classroom with positivity, making the process of learning Spanish more enjoyable for everyone. Traveling to Tierra twice-weekly from the farm where she and her family grow rootstock and seedlings for fruit trees, one of her primary motivations in studying Spanish is to be able to communicate and connect with the Spanish-speaking crew who work on the farm. This deep desire to gain fluidity in Spanish has fueled a serious dedication to her studies, yielding impressive progress in the year she’s studied at Tierra. We are honored to have Laleña as part of our community at Tierra and look forward to continuing to see her surpass her goals and delight in the language.


December 2019 - William Heerdt

Wholly committed to his twice-weekly morning class for the past two years, William, who goes by “Memo” around Tierra, is a gem of a student. Brimming with enthusiasm for learning Spanish, his skills have bloomed during his time studying with us and his steadfast perseverance has paid off. Having retired from his career as a project engineer, he dedicates a significant amount of time outside of class to his inquiry into the Spanish language. A genuinely warm and generous soul, Memo is a thoughtful and sensitive classmate who always seeks to take care of his compañeros. Passionate about effecting positive change, he is deeply concerned about climate change and dreams of using his Spanish skills to connect with hispanic communities and discover solutions together. We are grateful to count Memo as one of our valued students at Tierra and look forward to seeing where his hard work will take him!


October 2019 - Laura Pahlmeyer

Bursting with enthusiasm for learning Spanish, Laura has been wholly dedicated to her weekly Spanish classes since she became a student at Tierra two years ago!  To get more individualized support in honing her Spanish skills, she has also recently added private lessons into the mix of her studies. Warm and friendly with a great sense of humor, Laura tends to instigate laughter and connect with classmates, building community wherever she goes. A pharmacist who has the pleasure of working with many Spanish speaking families, being able to communicate with her patients in their native language is one motivation that inspires her to continue deepening in her studies. We’re thrilled to count Laura as part of our community at Tierra and look forward to continuing to watch her reach for the stars to achieve her goals!

September 2019 - Becky Burrell

A student who puts great effort into her Spanish studies, Becky has been extremely committed to her twice-weekly morning classes for over a year and a half. She arrives early, ready-to-go, brings kindness and laughter to the classroom, forms strong connections with her compañeros, and makes a significant investment of time studying on her own and completing class assignments with creativity and thoughtfulness.  A master gardener, a discussion with Becky often begets new plant vocabulary, and she is generous in sharing the bounty of her harvest with appreciative classmates. The same patience, curiosity, and inner strength that bring her great success in the garden inform her attitude as a student of Spanish - she is perseverant and at peace with her learning process, whatever challenges it may bring. We are delighted to have Becky as party of our community at Tierra and look forward to continuing to marvel at the fruits of her labor.

July 2019 - Kit Goujon

With an unfailingly positive attitude and endless curiosity, Kit’s love of learning is plainly evident to anyone around her. After her first year as a student at Tierra she was forced to put her studies on hold due to illness. We were thrilled to have her back after her recovery and marveled at her drive and dedication. She has many motivations to learn Spanish including her innate thirst for knowledge, her family life (she’s married to a Spaniard), and her work as a veterinarian who cares for the pets of many Spanish-speaking families. Kit is an inspiration as someone who is undeterred by any obstacles she finds in her path and who prioritizes fostering kindness and empathy. We are honored to count Kit as an esteemed member of our community at Tierra and look forward to continuing to be awed by the fruits of her hard work.


June 2019 - Azure Akamay

An extraordinarily dedicated student whose passion for everything she does is inspiring, Azure has achieved great progress in her time at Tierra. Her strong interest in cultural learning has provided fuel in her quest to learn Spanish and she’s eagerly taken as many cultural immersion courses as she can. Through her thoughtful analysis of the topics being discussed, she brings depth and reflection to the classroom, enriching the experience for all present. In her work as a middle school teacher, Azure is able to harness her increased cultural awareness in order to better serve her students and transmit this consciousness to them. A kind and compassionate classmate, she often encourages others and helps make Tierra feel like a community.  We salute Azure and all educators who work so hard to give young people the tools and knowledge they need to thrive - we wish you all a wonderful Summer break!


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