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October 2019 - Laura Pahlmeyer

Bursting with enthusiasm for learning Spanish, Laura has been wholly dedicated to her weekly Spanish classes since she became a student at Tierra two years ago!  To get more individualized support in honing her Spanish skills, she has also recently added private lessons into the mix of her studies. Warm and friendly with a great sense of humor, Laura tends to instigate laughter and connect with classmates, building community wherever she goes. A pharmacist who has the pleasure of working with many Spanish speaking families, being able to communicate with her patients in their native language is one motivation that inspires her to continue deepening in her studies. We’re thrilled to count Laura as part of our community at Tierra and look forward to continuing to watch her reach for the stars to achieve her goals!

Name: Laura Pahlmeyer
Occupation: Pharmacist
Time Studying at Tierra: 2 years

1) Why are you studying Spanish?

"I've always wanted to speak another language, I think it's good for the brain, and I'm hoping to become proficient enough to communicate directly with my Spanish-speaking patients."

2) What is your favorite part about your experience here at Tierra?

"Every instructor I've had has been incredibly enthusiastic, has been skilled at educating, and has made Spanish classes very fun--thank you!"

3) Can you tell us of a time you have been able to use what you have learned studying here?

"Work has provided the most opportunities to apply what I've learned at Tierra. For a fun example: Cecy taught our class a joke (in Spanish, of course) that has been a great ice-breaker with my Spanish-speaking patients!"

¡Felicidades Laurita!