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TEC Student of the Month Award

January 2017 - Lynn Thompson

Lynn Thompson
Lynn's impressive dedication to her Spanish studies stems from her wholehearted passion for social justice which has guided her career and life for decades. With a background in social work, she is a dynamic leader who has directed many organizations that serve women and children, including family crisis centers and Big Brothers, Big Sisters. Deeply interested in culture, literature, travel and history, her contributions to group conversations are thoughtful and highly stimulating. Lynn truly enjoys the process of learning Spanish, unbridled by worries of making mistakes, and builds strong relationships with her classmates and instructors. We are honored to count Lynn as part of our community at Tierra, and proud of the great work she does!

December 2016 - Liz Johnston

Bursting with enthusiasm for learning Spanish, Liz arrives for her classes with arms waving, a wide smile, and a cheery “¡Hola!”. Genuine and kind, she makes a pointed effort to get to know and practice with all of her classmates, warmly contributing to the feeling of camaraderie fomented in small-group classes. She’s hardworking and tenacious, never giving up as she rides the waves of feeling excited and challenged in the learning process. Joining us for our community fiestas, Liz quickly integrated herself as part of the Tierra community and is always eager to lend a helping hand. We’re grateful to have Liz as a dedicated Tierra student, and look forward to continuing to see her jump the hurdles of building Spanish skills!


October 2016 - Laura Graser

With great focus and commitment, Laura has built up her Spanish skills and taken advantage of every opportunity to delve into cultural learning in her two years studying at Tierra. A lawyer by profession, her desire to best serve and understand her Spanish-speaking clients was one impetus for her to pursue a higher level of proficiency in Spanish. Also inspired by her fondness of travel and eagerness to have authentic exchanges with locals, in her most recent adventure abroad this summer she spent several weeks studying Spanish in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. A highly motivated student with a quenchless appetite for reading in Spanish, she has no fear of the limits of her own understanding and pushes towards ever-deeper comprehension. We're thankful to have Laura as part of our community at Tierra, and look forward to seeing where her quest for fluency takes her!

September 2016 - Phuong Nguyen

A stellar student who stands out for her drive and commitment, Phuong is motivated to learn Spanish by a love of languages and desire to communicate with Spanish-speaking patients in her job as clinical manager. Hailing from Vietnam, she brings a unique perspective and experience as a seasoned language-learner which enrich the class as whole. A kind and supportive classmate, her cheery attitude and ever-present laughter inject the classroom with positive energy. As she uses Spanish frequently in her workplace to establish a positive relationship with patients, she studiously pursues expanding her Spanish knowledge in class. We’re so glad to count Phuong as part of our community at Tierra, and look forward to continuing to see her skills bloom!

August 2016 - Stuart Worley

Strikingly committed to his Spanish studies, Stuart has been a mainstay in his classes at Tierra since starting out in Beginner 1 in early 2014. An avid traveler, he was originally motivated to learn Spanish by journeys to South America and recently returned from an exciting trip to Ecuador and Peru. Stuart’s wide range of interests and talents have him wearing many hats including retired engineer, musician who plays the french horn, accomplished amatuer photographer, and helicopter pilot among others! As a student of Spanish, he’s a kind and enthusiastic classmate who always makes the effort to go beyond the task assigned to do research or extend the activity in a way that helps him to deepen his educational experience. We’re grateful for Stuart’s continued dedication to learning Spanish and look forward to continuing to see his skills flourish!

July 2016 - Frank Cappuccio

Since he began his studies in our Beginner 1 course last spring, Frank has stood out as an exceptional student, impressively dedicated to learning and wholeheartedly invested in his class and group. With a delightful sense of humor and infectiously positive attitude, Frank is a natural team cheerleader, helping to create a comfortable atmosphere and cultivate a sense of camaraderie. The significant amount of time he spends studying Spanish outside of class (which he never misses!) is evidenced by his highly developed compositions, brimming with new vocabulary and compelling anecdotes, and his remarkably quick command of new concepts covered. We’re grateful to have such a hard-working, enthusiastic student as Frank and look forward to seeing him continue to develop his skills and make his dreams of travel a reality!

June 2016 - Teresa Bulman

With a sharp sense of humor and extraordinary passion for learning, Teresa’s great enthusiasm easily rubs off on her classmates and instructors. Having started as a beginning student, she’s worked towards building her Spanish skills through both group classes and private lessons, sometimes simultaneously. A professor of geography, the subjects that most whet her interest include nature, climate, architecture, art, cuisine, and opera, and she’s taken advantage of her burgeoning skills to discuss all these and more in Spanish! A savvy world traveler, Teresa’s deep appreciation of the diversity of our planet and it’s cultures informs her nuanced approach to language learning. We’re honored to count Teresa as part of our community at Tierra and look forward to seeing her Spanish ability continue to blossom!

May 2016 - Peggy Reuler

With an easygoing and flexible attitude that is a real boon for learning a foreign language, Peggy helps create an especially convivial atmosphere in the twice-weekly group she’s continued in for a full year. Always early to class with a smile on her face and her detailed homework in hand, her preparedness has helped her make impressive progress. A retired educator who’s motivated in part by wanderlust and love of travel, a genuine interest in absorbing the cultural aspects of language is everpresent in her approach to learning. We’re grateful to count Peggy as part of our community at Tierra and look forward to finding out where this adventurous spirit will explore next as she continues to polish her Spanish skills!


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