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TEC Student of the Month Award

March 2011 - Lyle Brown

Lyle Brown

A fortuitous combination of serious drive and natural ability have allowed Lyle to learn to speak Spanish at a break-neck pace. Thanks to his logical approach and meticulous study habits, he often offers insight into perplexing grammar rules and his contributions help all the students in his class to understand. Keenly interested in communication and dialogue, Lyle exhausts the possibilities for "intercambios", taking every opportunity to practice Spanish and build relationships here in Portland as well as abroad in Mexico. Lyle manages to balance hard work with good fun and milk his Spanish studies to the fullest.

February 2011 - Becky Wandell

Becky Wandell

With a big smile and bubbly enthusiasm, Becky brings joy and purpose to the classroom. A truly community-oriented vision fuels her dedication to learn Spanish in both her professional life, as a public school teacher who goes beyond expectations to form a conversation club with Spanish-speaking mothers of her students, and in her personal life as a seasoned international traveler and volunteer. An adventurous spirit, she has troves of experience and a knack for hilarious storytelling. Becky's passion and community work serve as a wonderful example of what we at Tierra hope to foster and an inspiration to find more ways to get involved.

November-December 2010 - Ken Southerland

Ken Southerland

Ken is a super star student for bountiful reasons. First and foremost, he is doggedly committed to learning Spanish: his consistency, dedication, and cache of flashcards have born much fruit in his speedy acquisition of the language. A fine representative of Portland bike culture, Ken shows up for class no matter what part of town he's coming from and in spite of rain, wind, cold, and anxious rush-hour drivers. With his quick wit and sociable nature, he brings humor, intellect, and zest to the classroom, reminding us all to stretch our limits of expression in our second language.

October 2010 - Teresa Markgraf

Teresa Markgraf

Always enthusiastic and a consistent force within the classroom dynamic, her community-oriented disposition exemplifies what we aim to nurture here at Tierra. Her eagerness to learn and grow through human interaction is contagious and extends well beyond our walls, to the church where she works, serving her community. On a mission to attain fluency before her return to Mexico as a social servant, she’s cranked her hours at Tierra up to 5 per week and seems to have fun like none other dissecting each and every exercise in the books! Perhaps due to her love for language and her awareness of the potential for humor in the study of grammar, Teresa is a priceless asset and a living example of why we place our faith in the cross-cultural approach to language acquirement and personal growth.

September 2010 - Lynne Gaudinier

Lynne Gaudinier

Name: Lynne Gaudinier
Occupation: Retired R.N., Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)
Time Studying at Tierra: Since the beginning of Tierra!

1) Why are you studying Spanish?

August 2010 - Deborah Sposito

Deborah Sposito

Name: Deborah Sposito
Occupation: Waiter
Time Studying at Tierra: 3 1/2 months

1) Why are you studying Spanish?

July 2010 - Luke Gilmer

Luke Gilmer

Name: Luke Gilmer
Occupation: Second Career. Landscape Construction. Currently setting up my own business.
Time Studying at Tierra: 7 months

1) Why are you studying Spanish?
"I've always wanted to learn since childhood. Born in Colorado, Spanish
was taught from Kindergarden thru grade school as a requirement, and I elected
to continue through Junior High. However, I never got proficient. Now,

June 2010 - Shannon Sexton

Shannon Sexton

Name: Shannon Sexton
Occupation: Nurse
Time Studying at Tierra: 1 year

1. How did you start studying with us ?
"I became interested in learning Spanish a couple years ago. After a few
months of using various learning programs online and playing CDs in the
car, I enrolled in a local community college evening Spanish classes. I
felt that the learning there went a bit slowly and was rather inconsistent.


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