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High Int-Adv Short Stories: Mar de Historias

Course Description: In this highly-interactive seminar-style course, students will enjoy the opportunity to read and discuss several short stories by the renowned author and journalist from Mexico City, Cristina Pacheco (1941-2023).

For over 35 years this writer of immense talent has penned a weekly fictional short story in her column “Mar de historias”, published in the highly esteemed newspaper La Jornada. This trove of hundreds of stories provide an intimate portrait of daily life in Mexico City. The author highlights the simplicity and humanity of her characters as she compassionately depicts their lives, yearnings, joys, sorrows, and determination to keep going despite the uncertainty of what the next day will bring in a city with 30 million inhabitants where triumph and tragedy coexist, sometimes in the same story.

A special characteristic of these stories is the colloquial style of the language used, in the text idiomatic and slang expressions one would hear on the streets of Mexico abound. The observation of examples of these expressions used in realistic situations provides an exceptional learning opportunity to improve your comprehension and conversational ability, elevating your Spanish skills to a new level of nuance.

Designed for higher intermediate and advanced students, this course will provide you with the venue in which to practice your reading and speaking skills at a challenging level, expand your vocabulary, and enjoy stimulating discussion with other enthusiastic students.

All reading materials will be provided in class.

Best suited for: Students who have completed at least Spanish Intermediate 5 or equivalent. Recommended for Higher Intermediate and Advanced students.

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