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May 2015 - Kurt Peterson

A diligent and motivated student who takes Spanish class seriously, Kurt has achieved impressive progress in his time studying at Tierra. His love of travel was the initial force that prompted him to improve his Spanish skills and he’s been found engaging the locals in conversation across Mexico and Spain. With his dry sense of humor, Kurt brings smiles and chuckles to the classroom while his highly analytical nature leads him to ask the questions on everyone’s mind. In his quest to push the limits of his own knowledge, he unearths fine grammar points and new perspectives on literary readings, making the classes he takes richer for all involved. We’re glad to count Kurt as part of our community at Tierra!

Name: Kurt Peterson
Occupation: Attorney
Time Studying at Tierra: On and off since summer 2013

1) Why are you studying Spanish?

"Primarily, I love to travel to Mexico and Spain.  I also just like the challenge of learning a new language and exercising a part of my brain that I don't use regularly."

2) What is your favorite part about your experience here at Tierra?

"I like the small class size and access to professors outside of class time."

3) Can you tell us of a time you have been able to use what you have learned studying here?

"I use it with my wife quite often as she is fluent!"

¡Felicidades Kurt!