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June 2024 - David Killeen

David is a true poster child for a motivated Tierra student and what can be achieved in a short amount of time. Having just started in a Beginner 1 class this January, he’s been breezing through our Beginner series, fully dedicated to his twice-weekly classes. With a stellar attitude and locked in commitment to spending significant amounts of time studying Spanish on his own each week, it’s no wonder he’s making great progress at a brisk pace! A kind and encouraging classmate, David helps build a welcoming atmosphere in any class he’s in and his probing questions lead to a greater depth of understanding for all. We’re delighted to count David among our amazing community of students, and can’t wait to see what his skills will be like a year from now!


Name: David Killeen
Occupation: Social Services
Time studying at Tierra: 6 months

1) Why are you studying Spanish?

"I've been wanting to study Spanish for a long time; I hope to be able to use the language eventually in my work in the mental health field in Portland. I also have a Spanish friend from Toledo, and we have been writing a bilingual book together, so the more I understand of the Spanish language, the better".

2) What is your favorite part about your experience here at Tierra?

"I'm really enjoying my experience at Tierra. I really love the energy and enthusiasm and knowledge of all the instructors! Thank you!"

3. Can you tell us of a time you have been able to use what you have learned studying here?

"Spanish is still so new to me. I think right now I'm just enjoying understanding a few more words here and there in songs and on television shows. These days, I'm really into the Argentinian singer Juana Molina and the band Mora y Los Metegoles".

¡Felicidades David!