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December 2012 - Dick Cohen

Dick Cohen
With an unfailingly positive attitude and steadfast determination, Dick - or “Ricardo” as his classmates know him by - is truly dedicated to learning Spanish. A pediatrician, he has observed how important proficiency in Spanish is for healthcare providers and has been  assiduously working to acquire the communication skills needed to treat patients. Dick’s fortunate blend of focus and a quick, yet subtle sense of humor render his contributions to classes helpful and entertaining at once. A parent who has offered his children a bilingual education, we at Tierra commend the value he places on language and intercultural understanding for himself and his family.

Name: Dick Cohen (Ricardo)
Occupation: Pediatrician
Time Studying at Tierra:  1 year

1) Why are you studying Spanish?

"I have twin boys, now 13 years of age, who have been in Spanish immersion since preschool. In anticipation of a family trip to a Spanish language school and home-stay in Costa Rica last spring break, I decided to remount what little high school Spanish that I remembered in order to maximize my experience and learning. I also hope to become semi-proficient in medical Spanish so that I can volunteer both domestically and abroad."

2) What is your favorite part about your experience here at Tierra?

"I have enjoyed both group classes and private lessons. Most of my classmates at Tierra have the same struggles that I do in fitting in studying and remembering all that we have been taught, while in the midst of busy lives outside the school.
It is great fun to get to know my classmates and teachers on a personal level and share life experiences."

3) Can you tell us of a time you have been able to use what you have learned studying here?

"I try to communicate both in the office and in the hospital with my Spanish speaking patients, both children and adults. I learn from interpreters as well ..."

Congratulations Ricardo!!