An extremely dedicated student, Mckinzy is full of joyful energy and enthusiasm for learning Spanish. Having started as a low intermediate student, she’s made impressive progress as she’s achieved an advanced level and continues to strive toward fluency. With an immense interest in expanding her cultural understanding, Mckinzy has taken advantage of many of our cultural immersion courses, always engaging deeply with the material and bringing fresh perspectives to class discussion. Passionate about travel, she recently had the opportunity to travel around Mexico and South America for her work and the experience only inspired her to want to spend more time speaking Spanish abroad. We are honored to count Mckinzy among our incredible community of students and look forward to continuing to see her exceed her goals and make her travel dreams come true!
Name: Mckinzy Powers
Occupation: Video Producer
Time Studying at Tierra: 3 years
(*Mckinzy’s original answers to these questions are below in Spanish, and translated to English)
1) Why are you studying Spanish?
Estudié español en la escuela secundaria y universidad, en total casi seis años, pero después de la universidad olvidé todo. ¡Qué lástima! Durante covid, decidí empezar a estudiar de nuevo porque me encanta el idioma español y quiero hablar con fluidez algún día, es una meta mía. Me encanta México y viajar a los países donde se habla español. En el futuro, espero pasar más tiempo en México, por ejemplo, para mi trabajo, o quizás alquilar un apartamento por unos meses o jubilarme allí.
Mi primera clase fue con Cynthia, y fue una clase de conversación para estudiantes intermedios bajos. Después de esta clase, me di cuenta de que no entendí la diferencia entre el imperfecto y el pretérito muy bien, entonces empecé a tomar más clases y he aprendido muchísimo desde ese tiempo.
"I studied Spanish in high school and college for a total of six years, but after college I forgot everything. What a shame! During Covid I decided to start studying again because I love the Spanish language and I want to speak fluently someday, it’s a goal of mine. I love Mexico and traveling to Spanish speaking countries. In the future, I hope to spend more time in Mexico, for example, for my work, and perhaps renting an apartment for a few months or retiring there.
My first class at Tierra was with Cynthia, it was a conversational class for low intermediate students. After taking that class I realized I didn’t understand the differences between the preterite and imperfect very well, so I started taking more class and I have learned so much since then".
2) What is your favorite part about your experience here at Tierra?
Mi parte favorita de Tierra es conocer a todos los estudiantes y sus historias interesantes. Por ejemplo, he conocido a estudiantes que trabajan con café en los países hispanohablantes o estudiantes que tienen familiares que hablan español y quieren hablar con ellos. Además, me encantan mucho las clases que Tierra ofrece. Mi clase favorita hasta ahora fue una clase con Norberto sobre historias cortas de autoras mexicanas y en este momento estoy tomando una clase de cine contemporáneo con Cynthia, y ya me encanta!
"My favorite part of Tierra is meeting all of the students and hearing their interesting stories. For example, I’ve met people who work with coffee in Spanish-speaking countries, or students who have family members who want to speak with their Spanish-speaking family members. I also really love the classes that Tierra offers. My favorite class so far was one with Norberto about short stories written by Mexican women authors. And right now I’m taking a class about contemporary film with Cynthia and I already love it!".
3) Can you tell us of a time you have been able to use what you have learned studying here?
Este otoño pasado, para mi trabajo, viajé a muchos lugares donde se habla español. En cinco semanas visité tres ciudades de México y cinco países en sur América. Esta experiencia fue increíble para mí porque hablé y escuché español cada día. En la primera parte de este viaje estuve muy nerviosa y me faltó mucha confianza para hablar con la gente en estos lugares, pero con más tiempo, gané más confianza. Estaba muy triste cuando el viaje terminó porque había hecho mucho progreso con la confianza y mi habilidad conversacional. Espero volver a México de nuevo pronto.
"This past fall I traveled for my work to many places where Spanish is spoken. In five weeks I visited three cities in Mexico and five countries in South America. This experience was incredible for me because I spoke and heard Spanish every day. In the first part of the trip I was very nervous and lacked confidence to talk to people in these places, but as time passed, I gained more confidence. I was sad when the trip ended because i had made a lot of progress in my confidence and conversational ability. I hope to go back to Mexico again soon".
¡Felicidades Mckinzy!