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Lesson One

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In this first lesson, we will take a fresh look at some of the most important concepts we learned in the first part of the translation course.  First, we’ll define some basic terms needed to talk about translation and will analyze how to address the form and message of the text to be translated. This will help us to remember key ideas and to reaffirm our purpose in translating.  Second, we’ll examine the various degrees to which translations can reflect the structure of the source and target languages. We’ll set the goal of a achieving idiomatic translation and will describe the qualities of an idiomatic translation.


After completing this lesson you will:

  • Understand that your goal as a translator is to transfer the message, and not necessarily the words or structure, from the source language into the target language.
  • Be able to identify translations with source language or target language bias.
  • Be able to identify the qualities of an idiomatic translation, which help guide you as you begin to practice translating.

Key Topics:

1.1) Defining translation terms: source and target language, source and target text

1.2) Message and Form

- Defining message and form
- Purpose of translation - transfer message of the ST into the TL

1.3) Idiomatic Translation

- The spectrum of source language bias to target language bias:
- Qualities of an idiomatic translation


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