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Lesson 2 Translation Exercise 1 - Possible answer and discussion

Hello everyone! Here is one way to possible translate Translation Exercise 1 from Lesson 2. Compare this translation to your answers and see if there are any areas that you could improve. Remember that message has priority over form and the most important goal is to communicate the message clearly and completely. Please post your comments or questions about this exercise in this thread of the forum. Thank you!


Activity 1

Translate the following letter from Spanish to English.


10 mayo, 11

Señores, Child Support:

Por medio de la presente; estoy solicitando una nueva audiencia, para atender los asuntos relacionados al pago de manutención; y al mismo tiempo pido disculpas por no tener asistencia a la primera ya que tuve una confusión: resulta que tenia que aber llamado a ustedes para confirmar la fecha de la audiencia pero eso no lo sabia. Entonses ahora que se como funciona agradesco si me concedan otra audiencia y de seguro confirmare antes de la fecha.

Gracias por su atencion,

Manuel Flores Reynoso

May 10, 2011

Dear Sirs,

I’m writing in order to request a new hearing to address matters related to the payment of child support. I’d like to apologize for not attending the first hearing, I was confused. I wasn’t aware that I had to call you ahead of time to confirm the date of the hearing. Now that I know how the system works, I would appreciate it if you would grant me another hearing, and I will be sure to confirm before the set date.

Thank you for you time,

Manuel Flores Reynoso