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April 2012 - Ryan Hildreth

RyanBrimming with enthusiasm, Ryan - or "Marcos" as he is known to his classmates - began at the Beginner 1 level at Tierra and has been dedicated to learning Spanish ever since. Armed with a pen and a stockpile of index cards, he seems to rejoice at the discovery of new favorite words and phrases. He recently upped the ante by enrolling in a second weekly course, and his determination to advance is evident in his eagerness to practice Spanish with native speakers and fellow students alike. With his ever-present smile and characteristic sense of humor, Ryan has a knack for inspiring laughter and making learning Spanish a more entertaining and memorable experience.

Name:  Ryan Hildreth
Occupation: Hair stylist
Time Studying at Tierra:  1 year and a half

1) Why are you studying Spanish?

"I am studying Spanish because I would like to travel someday and I would like to be able to communicate with Spanish speakers in my home town. For many years I have wanted to speak, read, and understand Spanish. My schedule is full but when I make time to learn and practice I can imagine that someday I will communicate with fluency in Spanish."

2) What is your favorite part about your experience here at Tierra?

"My favorite part about Spanish class would be my classmates and the instructor. We have so much fun in class that it makes learning fun and exciting. I also really enjoy being able to communicate with people I meet on the streets or at work; I find just making the effort goes a long way with people."

Congratulations Ryan!!