Course Description: In this highly-interactive course, intermediate students will strengthen their ability to use express themselves when discussing past events in Spanish. Designed for students who’ve previously studied at least the two past tenses (preterite and imperfect) and perfect prefect tense, students will use these structures to narrate situations or events in their own lives such as childhood memories, high school or college years, memorable trips, experiences living in different cities or countries, etc.
Conversational in style, the course will provide the opportunity to revisit the differences between how each tense is used and create abundant examples as students draw on their grammar knowledge to have engaging convresations and share stories. Throughout the class discussions students will receive feedback from the instructor and pick up new vocabulary as the conversation elicits communicative needs. They will likewise practice reading and writing using the past tenses and enjoy creative homework assignments such as creating short biographies of notable figures or writing dialgogues or anecdotes.
Best suited for: Students who’ve completed Spanish Intermediate 2, Intermediate 3 or Intermediate 4 or equivalent