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Welcome to Week Six!

Hello everyone,

Five weeks down, three to go! Great work last week on Lesson Five! You now should have received your quiz with the correct answers in an e-mail. Since many of you had trouble with Question #5, I've posted an explanation about that question in the "Past Homework Assignments" forum under the title "Lesson Five Quiz - Question #5". You will receive your written assignments with our comments and feedback by Wednesday morning.

Lesson Six is now online, so you can begin studying anytime. This week we begin the third part of the course in which we'll look at some theoretical concepts to help us achieve the best translations. This week's lesson is about how to translate the literal meaning of words and phrases, how to overcome problems of non-equivalence, and dealing with false cognates.

A gentle reminder to use the forums. We know you all are very busy, but they can be a valuable tool to learn together. Remember that you are evaluated for participation, and your participation is evaluated for quality as well as quantity, so making one good post with an important or meaningful question about the material or homework is worth much more than several posts regarding the logistics of the course.

Our third chat session has been scheduled for this Thursday, November 3rd from 11:00 to 11:45am. If any conflict has come up for you at this time, please let us know.

Thanks and have a great week!
