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Welcome to Week Seven!

Hola a todas,

Great work last week on Lesson Six everyone! We know how many other things you have to do in your jobs and appreciate how hard you've been working on the translation course.

You now should have received your quiz with the correct answers in an e-mail. Since many of you had trouble with a few questions on the quiz, I've posted an explanation in the "Past Homework Assignments" forum under the title "Lesson Six Quiz". You will receive your written assignments with our comments and feedback by Wednesday morning.

We encourage you to start studying Lesson 7 as soon as you can. In this week's lesson we focus on connotative meaning, or the meaning of words in the context of other words, and learn to translate groups of words and phrases more fluidly into the target language. This is the last week of new material, in Lesson 8 next week we will review the most important concepts we've learned throughout the online course. 

We hope you'll have time to use the forums this week and to post any questions you have from the Lesson 6 Quiz or homework or about the Lesson 7 material.

Hop you all have a great week! Gracias,
