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Welcome to Week Eight!

Hola a todas,

We've arrived at the last week of the course! We want to thank you for your continued hard work and dedication, we've seen real improvement and appreciate your effort to complete the assignments and to apply the concepts we've studied.

This week our lesson will cover the use of dictionaries and offer tips for using them most effectively, and then a review of the most important concepts we've learned throughout the course re-examined through the lens of how to prioritize message over form. The translation for the homework assignment this week is a bit longer than others, you could consider it a final evaluation which will help us to analyze your progress more thoroughly, although this homework will count the same as all of the others in terms of points and grading.

We encourage you to take advantage of the forums this week (our last chance!) to share questions or ideas about previous lessons or homework or this one, or to ask translation questions in general. We've scheduled our last chat session for this Thursday, November 17th from 2:00 - 2:45pm, we look forward to talking with everyone then!

Muchas gracias,

Norberto y Elyse