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Lesson 7 - Translation Exercise

Following is a possible translation for the translation exercise in Lesson 7. Please add your questions or comments below! 

Translation Exercise

Translate the following source text from Spanish to English:
(18 points)


A quien corresponda:

Acabo de recibir una carta en la cual ustedes me mandan seguir pagando $176.00 de manutención de hijos por mi hija Natalia Méndez. Aora bien, ella ya cumplió los 18 años, me dicen que tengo que seguir pagando si está en la escuela, pero no he visto ninguna prueba de que esté estudiando. Tengo entendido que ella firmó un papel donde afirmó que está asistiendo al community college a tiempo completo, pero nadie me lo a demostrado. Necesito que me manden los reportes de asistencia de mi hija, y si no, no veo porque deva yo tener que seguir haciendo los pagos.


Rafael Méndez Ramos

April 27, 2011

To whom it may concern,

I just received a letter in which you order me to continue paying $176.00 in child support for my daughter Natalia Méndez. She already turned 18 years old and I’ve been told that I have to keep paying so long as she is in school, but I have not seen any proof that she is studying. I understand that she signed a paper which states that she is attending community college full- time, but nobody has proven this to me. I need you to send me my daughter’s college attendance records, and if not, I don’t see why I should have to keep making the payments.


Rafael Mendez Ramos