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Lesson 7 - Short Translations

Hello everyone! Here are some possible answers to the short translations from the Lesson 7 homework. Please keep in mind that there is more than one way to correctly translate any sentence. It would be great to start a discussion in this thread of the forum with specific questions about any of these short translation questions, feel free to copy and paste any of your answers, ask about choice of words or grammatical structure, or corrections made on your homework. Gracias!

Short Answer Questions:

Translate the following source text sentences from Spanish to English:
(16 points)

1. Mis gastos cada mes incluyen la renta, el pago de luz, los pagos del carro, el seguro del carro, la comida, el teléfono y las medicinas más los pagos de child support.

My monthly expenses include rent, the electricity bill, car payments, car insurance, food, the telephone bill, and prescription drugs, in addition to the child support payments.

2. Antes pasaba por alto que no me pagara a tiempo, siempre que me pagara; pero con el paso del tiempo, me harté de no saber cuando tendríamos el dinero.

Before, I used to overlook if he didn’t pay me on time, as long as he paid me. But as time went by, I got fed up with not knowing when we’d have the money.

3. A lo mejor me equivoco, pero a mi modo de pensar, él dejó el trabajo a próposito para poder decir que no tiene suficiente dinero para pagarnos.

I might be wrong, but the way I see it, he quit his job on purpose in order to be able to say that he doesn’t have enough money to pay us.

4. Mi abuela, de edad muy avanzada, también es mi dependiente y estoy a cargo de cuidarla y cubrir todos sus gastos.

My very elderly grandmother is also my dependent and I am responsible for caring for her and covering all of her expenses.

Translate the following source text sentences from English to Spanish:
(16 points)

5. I know that he makes a lot of money with his business, so he ought to help us more.

Sé que él gana mucho dinero con su negocio, por lo cual debería ayudarnos más.

6. I used to pay her in cash, but I was advised to pay in a way that would leave evidence, so I started sending her checks.

Antes le pagaba en efectivo, pero me aconsejaron que pagara de una forma que se pudiera comprobar, entonces empecé a mandarle cheques.

7. We kept in touch for awhile, but after a year or so he stopped writing and now I have no idea where he is.

Nos mantuvimos en contacto durante un tiempo, pero después de un año más o menos, él dejó de escribir y ahora no tengo ni idea de donde se encuentra.

8. After filling out this application you will need to send in the following documents: proof of residency, a copy of your most recent paycheck, and bank documents showing any assets currently under your name.

Después de llenar ésta solicitud, usted deberá enviar los siguientes documentos: comprobante de domicilio, una copia de su talón de pago más reciente y documentos bancarios que demuestren cualquier activo que esté en su nombre.