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Lesson 1 Translation Exercise 2 - Possible answer and discussion

Hello again! Here is a possible answer for Translation Exercise 2. Just like in the previous post, keep in mind that this is one answer out of many possibilities. Compare this to your answer, particularly in areas that were highlighted as errors, and see what is different and how it can be improved. Please post your comments or questions about this exercise in this forum topic. Thanks again.

Translation Exercise 2

Translate the following letter from a client from Spanish to English, keeping in mind the goal of prioritizing message over form while communicating the complete message.

July 12th, 2011

A quien corresponda:

Les escribo esta carta para decirles que ya puse medical a mi hijo Roberto Nuñez Hidalgo, hasi que el ahora tiene su propio medical. Por eso escribo este carta porque creo que todavía me están quitando ami cheque por este medical de mi hijo. Yo e cumplido con los pagos de child support desde el principio y agradezco si no me quiten demas de lo que debo. Por favor, diganme cuando reciven esta carta y si estan deacuerdo.

Gracias ustedes,

Tomás Rodas Nuñez

July 12th, 2011

To whom it may concern,

I’m writing in order to inform you that I’ve already purchased medical insurance for my son, Roberto Nuñez Hidalgo, so he now has his own insurance. I’m writing because I believe that you are still withholding money from my paycheck to cover the cost of my son’s insurance. I have made every child support payment from the beginning and I would appreciate it if you would not withhold more than what I owe. Please, let me know when you receive this letter and if you are in agreement.

Thank you,

Tomás Rodas Nuñez