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Lesson 1 Translation Exercise 1 - Possible answer and discussion

Hello everyone,

Below you'll find one way to complete Translation Exercise 1. Remember that in translation there is never one correct answer, but many possibilities that could work. The most important goals are to communicate the message of the source text clearly and completely and work to achieve natural expression in our translation. Please post your questions or comments about Translation Exercise 1 under this forum topic. Thank you!

Translation Exercise 1

The following translation was completed from Spanish to English with too much attention to form and not enough to message. Back-translate to get as close as you can to what you imagine the original Spanish source text was, and then translate that to English, prioritizing message over form.

Esteemed Sirs,

I direct myself to you with the end of asking for an extension for my payments of child support. I have all the intention to pay everything that I owe, only that now it is not possible for me to make the payments completely. They fired me from my last employment for the topic of the economy and now I barley can pay my own expenses.

Thankful for your attention,

Francisco Hernández Ramos

Spanish back-translation (refer to the English translation to re-create what you think the original Spanish source text was).

Estimados Señores,

Me dirijo a ustedes con el fin de pedir una extensión en mis pagos de manutención de hijos. Tengo toda la intención de pagar todo lo que debo, es sólo que ahora no me es posible hacer los pagos completos. Me despidieron de mi último empleo por el asunto de la economía y ahora apenas puedo pagar mis propios gastos.

Agradeciendo su atención,

Francisco Hernández Ramos

English translation (translate your version of the source text in a way that communicates the message in a natural way in English).

Dear Sirs,

I’m writing to you in order to request an extension in my child support payments. I have every intention to pay everything I owe, but right now it isn’t possible for me to make the complete payments. I was fired from my last job due to the economic crisis and now I am barely able to cover my own expenses.

Thank you for your time,

Francisco Hernández Ramos