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Forum Participation - Important!

Hello everyone,

We just want to remind you to post questions and make comments in the online forums. As this week there is no chat session, the entire 25% of your participation grade for the week will be based on your participation in the forums, and so far, this week there haven't been any new topics or comments made by students. We imagine that you are very busy and this is the reason why you are more focused and finishing the quiz and written assignments, but we hope you can find some time to make use of this online tool. One of the most important aspects of the forums is the discussion of past homework assignments. We urge you all to read the example translations and compare them to your answers from last week's translation exercises, and to comment on what was most difficult for you or what you are still not sure about. In this way, the forum becomes like the classroom where we always discussed last week's homework and together explored the many possibilities of how to produce the best translation. This analysis of your past work is what will give you insight into your strengths and weaknesses, which will help you to improve your performance in translating.

Thank you!
